Package com.atomikos.icatch

Interface Summary
CompositeCoordinator A CompositeCoordinator represents the per-server work done as part of the same termination scope.
CompositeTerminator A handle to terminate the composite transaction.
CompositeTransaction A composite transaction is a nested part of a global composite transaction.
CompositeTransactionManager A composite transaction manager.
ExportingTransactionManager An interface for a TM that allows outgoing remote calls to be transactional.
Extent The extent carries the information about the 'size' of a propagation after it returns: the directly andindirectly invoked servers, and the orphan detection information for those.
HeuristicMessage A message to help resolving heuristic problem cases.
ImportingTransactionManager An interface for the communication layer, for notifying TM of incoming transactional request.
Participant A participant for 2PC of composite transactions.
Propagation Information to propagate a transaction to a remote server.
RecoveryCoordinator A recoverycoordinator is contacted by an indoubt participant on timeout or restart.
RecoveryService A handle to the TM that resources can use to recover.
SubTxAwareParticipant A participant that wants to be notified of local termination of a node in a nested transaction tree.
SubTxCode An interface for transactional threads.
Synchronization A synchronization inferface for tx termination callbacks.
TransactionControl Deprecated. As from release 3.0, the methods of this interface have been moved to the basic CompositeTransaction interface.
TransactionService This internal interface is the base interface for creating transactions.
TSListener A listener interface for transaction service startup and shutdown events.

Class Summary
StringHeuristicMessage A heuristic message implementation.
TxState A state implementation for a distributed transaction system.

Exception Summary
HeurCommitException A heuristic extension supporting messages.
HeurHazardException A heuristic hazard exception propagates to the root as indication of cases where 2PC commit or abort was not acknowledge by all participants.
HeurMixedException A heuristic extension supporting messages.
HeurRollbackException A heuristic extension supporting messages.
RollbackException An exception indicating that a tx has been rolled back.
SysException An exception for system errors with nested information.

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