Package com.atomikos.swing

Interface Summary
PropertiesTableModel A TableModel for a PropertiesPanel.
PropertyListener A listener for a new property event.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertiesTableModel An abstract implementation of a properties table model.
ExtensionsFileFilter A file filter for displaying only directories and a files with an extension that corresponds to one of a given set.
HtmlFrame A frame to display an HTML document, and respond to clicks on hyperlinks by loading the clicked link.
LoginDialog A generic login dialog that allows username and passwd to be entered by the user.
PropertiesPanel A Properties Panel is a GUI tool component for displaying a table of properties, and provides for creation, deletion and editing of such properties.
PropertiesPanelResourceBundle A resource bundle for the locale-specific values in the properties panel.
SwingWorker This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.

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