Package com.atomikos.jdbc

Interface Summary
ConnectionFactory A wrapper for masking the different JDBC pooled connection factory interfaces, (discrepancy between ConnectionPoolDataSource and XADataSource) so that one pool can be used for both.
DTPPooledConnection A pooled connection that is distributed transaction aware.
HeuristicDataSource A data source that supports the addition of heuristic messages to SQL data access.
XPooledConnection An enhancement of a pooled connection, that works with the ConnectionPool class.

Class Summary
AbstractConnectionProxy Common logic for the different dynamic connection proxies.
AbstractDataSourceBean Abstract data source bean with generic functionality.
AtomikosDataSourceBean The preferred class for using Atomikos connection pooling.
ConnectionPool Deprecated. As of release 3.3, the newer pool should be used instead.
DataSourceBean Deprecated. As of release 3.3, the AtomikosDataSourceBean should be used instead.
DataSourceBeanBeanInfo A bean descriptor that tells GUI wizards which properties to edit.
DataSourceShutdownHook A shutdown hook for closing the JtaDataSourceImp.
ExclusiveExternalXAPooledConnectionImp A non-shared implementation of a pooled connection.
ExternalXAPooledConnectionImp An implementation of a DTPPooledConnection that can be managed by internal as well as external pools.
JtaDataSourceImp Deprecated. As of release 3.3, the AtomikosDataSourceBean should be used instead.
JtaDataSourceImpFactory A factory for JNDI lookup of JtaDataSourceImp instances.
SimpleDataSourceBean Deprecated. As of release 3.3, the AtomikosDataSourceBean should be used instead.
SimpleDataSourceBeanBeanInfo A bean descriptor that tells GUI wizards which properties to edit.
XAConnectionFactory A default connection factory for XA connections that work with the Atomikos connection pools.
XidFactoryEditor A reflection-based property editor for XidFactor.

Exception Summary

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