Uses of Interface

Packages that use Console

Uses of Console in com.atomikos.diagnostics

Classes in com.atomikos.diagnostics that implement Console
 class CascadedConsole
          A cascaded message console for system output warnings.
 class PrintStreamConsole
          A simple console to a PrintStream.
 class RotatingFileConsole
          A console that writes to a set of rotating files.
 class Slf4jConsole
          A console that delegates to slf4j - this ensures log4j compatibility.

Constructors in com.atomikos.diagnostics with parameters of type Console
CascadedConsole(Console first, Console last)
          Construct a new instance.

Uses of Console in com.atomikos.icatch.imp

Methods in com.atomikos.icatch.imp with parameters of type Console
protected  void CoordinatorImp.startThreads(long timeout, Console console)
          Start threads, propagator and timer logic.

Constructors in com.atomikos.icatch.imp with parameters of type Console
CoordinatorImp(String root, boolean heuristic_commit, Console console, boolean checkorphans)
          Constructor for testing only.
CoordinatorImp(String root, RecoveryCoordinator coord, Console console, boolean heuristic_commit, boolean checkorphans)
CoordinatorImp(String root, RecoveryCoordinator coord, Console console, boolean heuristic_commit, long timeout, boolean checkorphans, boolean single_threaded_2pc)
TransactionServiceImp(String name, StateRecoveryManager recoverymanager, UniqueIdMgr tidmgr, Console console, long maxtimeout, boolean checkorphans, int maxActives, boolean single_threaded_2pc)
          Create a new instance, with orphan checking set.
TransactionServiceImp(String name, StateRecoveryManager recoverymanager, UniqueIdMgr tidmgr, Console console, long maxtimeout, int maxActives, boolean single_threaded_2pc)
          Create a new instance, with orphan checking set.

Uses of Console in com.atomikos.icatch.system

Methods in com.atomikos.icatch.system that return Console
static Console Configuration.getConsole()
          Get the console for the configuration.

Methods in com.atomikos.icatch.system with parameters of type Console
static void Configuration.addConsole(Console console)
          Add a console for the configuration.

Uses of Console in com.atomikos.persistence.imp

Fields in com.atomikos.persistence.imp declared as Console
protected  Console StreamObjectLog.console_

Constructors in com.atomikos.persistence.imp with parameters of type Console
FileLogStream(String baseDir, String baseName, Console console)
StreamObjectLog(LogStream logstream, long checkpointInterval, Console console)

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