Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyException

Uses of PropertyException in com.atomikos.beans

Methods in com.atomikos.beans that throw PropertyException
 Editor Property.getEditor()
          Get an editor component for the property.
 Property[] BeanInspector.getProperties()
          Get all recognized properties for this bean.
static Map PropertyUtils.getProperties(Object target)
          Builds a map of direct javabeans properties of the target object.
static Object PropertyUtils.getProperty(Object target, String propertyName)
          Gets a direct or indirect property (dotted property: prop1.prop2.prop3) on the target object.
 Property BeanInspector.getProperty(String name)
          Get the property with the given name.
 String[] HtmlBeanWizard.getPropertyNames()
 Object HtmlBeanWizard.getPropertyValue(String propertyName)
 String BeanInspector.getPropertyValue(String name)
          Get the value of the given property as text.
 String Editor.getStringValue()
          Gets the value as a String.
 Object Property.getValue()
          Get the value of this property.
 Object IndexedProperty.getValue(int i)
          Get the value of the indexed element.
static void PropertyUtils.setProperties(Object target, Map properties)
          Sets a map of properties on the target object.
static void PropertyUtils.setProperty(Object target, String propertyName, Object propertyValue)
          Sets a direct or indirect property (dotted property: prop1.prop2.prop3) on the target object.
 void HtmlBeanWizard.setProperty(String name, String value)
 void BeanInspector.setPropertyValue(String name, String value)
          Set the given property to the given text value.
 void Editor.setStringValue(String val)
          Sets the value as a String.
 void IndexedProperty.setValue(int i, Object arg)
          Set the value of the element with given index.
 void Property.setValue(Object arg)
          Set the value of the property to the given argument.

Constructors in com.atomikos.beans that throw PropertyException
BeanWizard(Object bean)
CheckboxComponent(Property property)
ComboBoxComponent(Property property)
TableComponent(IndexedProperty property)
TextFieldComponent(Property property)
TextFieldComponent(Property property, boolean allowsDecimalPoint)

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